

Título El siglo XVI en la historia lingüística de Tejas.
Autores y afiliación Marcos Marín, Francisco

Resumen This paper is a contribution to the external linguistic history of Texas. In the present state of the art, this seems to be the most sensible approach. The basic questions are related to the presence of the newcomers, the Castilian Spaniards, the identification of the Indian tribes living in the area, and the marginal situation of Texas compared to, specially, New Mexico. The linguist must rely on anthropological and archaeological spade work, on one side, or linguistic data provided later by the missionaries, on the other. Even though Glottochronology is an arguable branch of Linguistics, maybe it may help once the foundations have been established. For the time being, a general overview and a discussion on the traits of the main Texan Indian cultures will have to suffice.
Palabras clave Historia lingüística de Tejas, Linguistic History of Texas, siglo XVI, XVI century
Artículo completo El siglo XVI en la historia lingüística de Texas.