Laboratorio de Lingüística Informática


DIGITENDER: Extracción terminológica automática para la visibilización de los problemas de salud relacionados con la mujer.

FINT-ESP: Finantial Text Analytics in Spanish: Tools and Language Resources.


MADRID, SOCIEDAD Y PATRIMONIO: Cultural tourism and the past.


Approach to Spanish and Japanese texts from the perspective of the Digital Humanities.

Corpus-based linguistic studies on Spanish and Japanese.

Linguistic analysis of Spanish based on electronic resources.


MULTIMÉDICA: Multilingual Information Extraction in Health Domain and Application to Scientific and Informative Documents.

Application of spoken corpora to Spanish and Chinese teaching.

Application of spoken corpora to Spanish and Japanese teaching.

BRAVO: Advanced multimodal and multilingual answers search: linguistic resources.

MAVIR: Improving access and visibility of multilingual information online.

Spanish-Egyptian meeting on automatic processing and electronic linguistic resources for Spanish and Arabic.

RILARIM: Linguistic Engineering Resources Applied to Multilingual Information Retrieval.(CICYT).

Praepositio Project: French-Spanish bilingual electronic lexicon.(UAM-UCLM)

C-ORAL-ROM: Oral Corpus of Romance Languages in multimedia format.(IST-2000-26228).

ACORDEON: Cooperative applications of information retrieval. (CYCIT TEL 1999-1073-C02-02).

ADMYTE: Digital Archive of Spanish Manuscripts and Texts. (Sociedad Estatal Quinto Centenario and Micronet, SA.).

C-ORAL-ROM: Oral Corpus of Romance Languages in multimedia format.(IST-2000-26228).

Spanish Treebank Corpus and Guidelines for a Syntactic Annotation Scheme. Entidad financiadora: New York University.

Corpus Léxico Hispanoamericano: funded by AECID and Argentinean Association for the Development of the Reference Corpus.


CON-TEXT: Grammar checker (Comunidad de Madrid).

Dictionary of the Enciclopedia Universal MICRONET: multimedia project.


HAL: Tools to assist lexicographers (ANAYA I+D).


CRATER: Development of tools for corpora use and terminology extraction (funded by the EU).

GramCheck: Grammar and style checker (funded by the EU and the CICYT).

Reuse of americanisms dictionaries to create a lexical database of American Spanish.

Corpus de Referencia de la Lengua Española en la Argentina: financiado por la Sociedad Estatal del Quinto Centenario.

Corpus de Referencia de la Lengua Española en Chile: financiado por la Sociedad Estatal del Quinto Centenario.

Reference spoken corpus of contemporary Spanish: funded by the EU, AECID and IBM.


Eurotra: Machine translation (funded
by the EU).

Glosmetal: Trilingual lexical collection (Spanish, English, Greek) on metal industry.


Sylvia-NLQ: Questioning databases in natural language (funded by IBM).


PROTEUS: Information retrieval and machine translation system. (New York University).